Eagle County Business Social Distancing Protocol
Business Name: Meadow Mountain Homes, LLC
Approx. gross square footage of space open to the public: 0
Weekly Safety Talks are given on all jobsites by Project Mangers.
Businesses must implement all applicable measures listed below, and be prepared to explain why any measure that is not implemented is inapplicable to the business.
Signs have been placed at each public entrance of the facility or work site to inform all employees and customers that they should: avoid entering the facility or location if they have a cough or fever; maintain a minimum six-foot distance from one another; sneeze and cough into a cloth or tissue or, if not available, into one’s elbow; and not shake hands or engage in any unnecessary physical contact.
A copy of this Social Distancing Protocol has been placed at each public entrance to the work site.
Measures To Protect Employee Health
Everyone who can carry out their work duties from home has been directed to do so.
Individual discussions have taken place with employees about the fact that older adults and those with chronic medical conditions may be at higher risk for serious illness. Options have been explained to high risk employees, including ways to minimize face-to-face interactions, maintaining six feet of distance from other people, remote work if possible, and leave policies for employees who choose not to come to work.
All employees have been told not to come to work if sick (including any of the following: headache, sore throat, fever, dry cough, recent inability to taste and smell, shortness of breath, ear aches, body aches, diarrhea, fatigue, vomiting, and abdominal pain).
Symptom checks are being conducted before employees may enter the work site.
Copies of this Protocol have been distributed to all employees.
Measures To Keep People At Least Six Feet Apart
All employees have been instructed to maintain at least six feet of distance from each other (employees may momentarily come closer when needed to accept payment, deliver goods or services, or when otherwise unavoidable).
All employees are required to wear gloves and a mask or face-covering when working with others.
All desks, individual work stations, or work areas are separated by at least six feet.
Measures To Increase Sanitization
Hand washing stations, sanitizer, or effective disinfectant is available to employees at or near the entrance of the facility or work site, workstations, and anywhere else where people have direct interactions. Location(s) include: Portalets
Disinfecting wipes or spray that is effective against COVID-19 are available near workstations and all high-contact surfaces (including payment portals, carts, baskets, pens, shared tools, heavy equipment, etc.).
Employee(s) have been assigned to disinfect all high-contact surfaces frequently.
Bathrooms and other common areas are being disinfected on the following schedule:
Bathrooms - Weekly plus additional cleaning of high-touch surfaces
Measures To Reduce Exposures in Employee Transportation
Employees are highly encouraged to drive separately and adequate parking has been ensured to allow for additional vehicles on the jobsites.
Hand sanitizer is used by each passenger when entering the vehicle.
The number of passengers has been reduced by 50% of the vehicle’s occupancy, and passengers sit in locations to maximize the distance between one another.
Passengers will wear a non-medical, cloth face-covering when in a vehicle containing more than 1 person.
Windows will remain open and ventilation is increased.
All high-contact surfaces of the vehicle are disinfected at the end of each day.
You may contact the following person with any questions or comments about this protocol:
Name: Sean McGinley
Phone number: 970-471-8202